jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

Last Class

Well, this is the last entry of this blog.
Sometime ago, when I was like 15-16 I used to have a blog where I posted ideas, images and random stuff about my life and things that I loved as a teenager, but this one has been very different, less ridiculous I hope!
I think the blog exercise It's a great way to develop language skills, 'cause the fact of writing i'ts maybe the most difficult part of learning a new language. You can understand easily if you read something because you get a general "shape" of the sentences, but talking and writing requires more concentration; redaction it's the drawing of the thoughts.
I would have loved to have this modality of work in my earlier english lessons, in college classes where always boring; even it's important the theory the exercise of writing in a personal blog its very funny and productive.
If I pass (fingers crossed) next semester I would like to keep writing about random stuff; it's great to see how everyone speaks different about the same topic.

1 comentario:

  1. hoppely we all pass this class, until that you know, like me, that we are a slaves from this system and burocracy....or this are too fool to say?
